DISC Personality Test

Respond to the statements on each page according to how well each statement describes you. Use this scale to number each statement:

1 - Never
2 - Rarely
3 - Sometimes
4 - Often
5 - Always

Allow yourself six minutes to answer all questions before moving on

1. Never
2. Rarely
3. Sometimes
4. Often
5. Always
  1. I am assertive, demanding, and decisive

  2. I enjoy influencing and inspiring other people

  3. I thrive in consistent environments

  4. I typically do not take big risks

  5. I enjoy doing multiple tasks at once

  6. I am optimistic about others

  7. I prefer specifics over generalizations

  8. I love tasks, order, and details

  9. I thrive in a challenge-based environment

  10. I tend to be the life of the party

  11. I enjoy small groups of people

  12. I am right most of the time

  13. I think about tasks more than others or myself

  14. I think about motivating other people

  15. I prefer being a member of a team

  16. I comply with clearly defined rules

  17. I am motivated by accomplishment and authority

  18. I am motivated by recognition and approval

  19. I am motivated by stability and support

  20. I am motivated by quality and correctness

Oh no, it looks like you missed an answer. Please check that all prompts have a response before you proceed.

Please write down or screenshot your top 2 personality scores. This is your personality style and you'll be entering this combination into your Growth Track Connection Form later.

Your DISC scores are:

Tap/Click on any of the letters to see more

“D” personalities are dominant, direct, task-oriented, decisive, organized, outgoing, and outspoken. As you embrace these strengths, also make sure to:

  • Listen attentively to others
  • Support other team members
  • Invest in personal relationships
  • Balance controlling and domineering tendencies
  • Value the opinions, feelings, and desires of others

“I” personalities are influential, witty, easygoing, outgoing, and people oriented. As you embrace these strengths, also make sure to:

  • Be aware of tasks that need to be accomplished
  • Balance your emotions, words, and actions
  • Remember to consider details and facts
  • Slow down your pace for others when necessary
  • Listen attentively to others instead of only talking
  • Choose thoughtful decision-making over impulsive decision-making

“S” personalities are steady, stable, analytical, introverted, and people oriented. As you embrace these strengths, also make sure to:

  • Take initiative
  • Practice flexibility
  • Approach confrontation constructively
  • Be direct in your interactions when necessary
  • Realize change can be healthy, and be willing to adapt
  • Consider the overall goals of your family or group, not just specific processes or procedures

“C” personalities are compliant, competent, task-oriented, goal-oriented, and introverted. As you embrace these strengths, also make sure to:

  • Be decisive when necessary
  • Cultivate personal relationships
  • Be open to others' ideas and methods
  • Balance your focus between facts and people
  • Focus on doing the right things, not just doing things right
  • Help others accomplish their goals

For more in-depth information about these values, refer to the Growth Track handbook.
Once you have recorded your scores, return to the step TWO page to enter your results.