DISC Personality Test
Respond to the statements on each page according to how well each statement describes you. Use this scale to number each statement:
1 - Never
2 - Rarely
3 - Sometimes
4 - Often
5 - Always
Allow yourself six minutes to answer all questions before moving on
1. Never
2. Rarely
3. Sometimes
4. Often
5. Always
Oh no, it looks like you missed an answer. Please check that all prompts have a response before you proceed.
Please write down or screenshot your top 2 personality scores. This is your personality style and you'll be entering this combination into your Growth Track Connection Form later.
Your DISC scores are:
Tap/Click on any of the letters to see more
“D” personalities are dominant, direct, task-oriented, decisive, organized, outgoing, and outspoken. As you embrace these strengths, also make sure to:
- Listen attentively to others
- Support other team members
- Invest in personal relationships
- Balance controlling and domineering tendencies
- Value the opinions, feelings, and desires of others
“I” personalities are influential, witty, easygoing, outgoing, and people oriented. As you embrace these strengths, also make sure to:
- Be aware of tasks that need to be accomplished
- Balance your emotions, words, and actions
- Remember to consider details and facts
- Slow down your pace for others when necessary
- Listen attentively to others instead of only talking
- Choose thoughtful decision-making over impulsive decision-making
“S” personalities are steady, stable, analytical, introverted, and people oriented. As you embrace these strengths, also make sure to:
- Take initiative
- Practice flexibility
- Approach confrontation constructively
- Be direct in your interactions when necessary
- Realize change can be healthy, and be willing to adapt
- Consider the overall goals of your family or group, not just specific processes or procedures
“C” personalities are compliant, competent, task-oriented, goal-oriented, and introverted. As you embrace these strengths, also make sure to:
- Be decisive when necessary
- Cultivate personal relationships
- Be open to others' ideas and methods
- Balance your focus between facts and people
- Focus on doing the right things, not just doing things right
- Help others accomplish their goals
For more in-depth information about these values, refer to the Growth Track handbook.
Once you have recorded your scores, return to the step TWO page to enter your results.
Once you have recorded your scores, return to the step TWO page to enter your results.